
I could join if you would like!

may i join i know a lot about wolf play even though i just created this account i have played since December 2019

I've seen you in the sales chat post numerous ads when you didn't even wait for your first one to fall down. ;^; Arctic Sunflower said: I could join if you would like!

This is very true. Sorry, meant to add. I’d like to help with this project. So I’m here for any newbie! Your Summer Swimsuit said: I've seen you in the sales chat post numerous ads when you didn't even wait for your first one to fall down. ;^; Arctic Sunflower said: I could join if you would like!
Edited at July 20, 2020 01:42 AM by Dagger Pack

I've had to call a mod on them before because of this, above all it just agitates me. (Cue mental screaming here). Edit: even when they were warned they ignored the mod(s) or just didn't heed the warnings. ;>.> Dagger Pack said: This is very true. Your Summer Swimsuit said: I've seen you in the sales chat post numerous ads when you didn't even wait for your first one to fall down. ;^; Arctic Sunflower said: I could join if you would like!
Edited at July 20, 2020 01:45 AM by Your Summer Swimsuit

To get this straight, I'm not just "calling you out." Or trying to be rude, but I believe that perhaps you should try and read the rules for sales chat a bit more so you don't get in trouble with the mods anymore (because no one wants to get in trouble with a mod. ewe).

Your Summer Swimsuit said: To get this straight, I'm not just "calling you out." Or trying to be rude, but I believe that perhaps you should try and read the rules for sales chat a bit more so you don't get in trouble with the mods anymore (because no one wants to get in trouble with a mod. ewe).
my sister got in trouble with a mod and he/she already did not like her so they suspended her account

Never said I didn't like this pack (unless you're talking about the mod! ^^;) it's just not really a good idea to become a helper if you've broken a rule numerous times... Also, if it's about the mod, some people have their own preference of who they like/dislike. Though of it got to harassment and such, I don't blame the mod. alphaswolfclan said: Your Summer Swimsuit said: To get this straight, I'm not just "calling you out." Or trying to be rude, but I believe that perhaps you should try and read the rules for sales chat a bit more so you don't get in trouble with the mods anymore (because no one wants to get in trouble with a mod. ewe).
my sister got in trouble with a mod and he/she already did not like her so they suspended her account

^ very true what Swimsuit says. Also still chilling here waiting for a newbie:) lol i love how there are more helpers that newbies on this topic Edited at July 20, 2020 05:10 AM by CriesInTheNight
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CriesInTheNight said: ^ very true what Swimsuit says. Also still chilling here waiting for a newbie:) lol i love how there are more helpers that newbies on this topic
Indeed. Not many new players see this. I might put it on my pack page. I haven't helped anyone in a long time. Usually because when someone does message this forum topic, it's usually very, very early on my time. ;^;