
"You can always just text me your adress" I say rolling my eyes knowing full well you couldn't see. I narrow my eyes and shake my head with a smile at yuki before mouthing the words he's ridiculous" she yips at me so I put the bed encouraging her to jump up but all she does is yips again.

"I think Yuki wants to see me. I know full well that Fire wants to see you." I say and smile." And plus I know where you live I don't wanna go through the whole thing of telling you my address." I chuckle and roll my eyes

I roll my eyes once again. "Fine. I'll see you here in an hour then?" I ask shaking my head. So stubborn and yet so handsome. My heart skips a beat at the thought of the two of us going on a date together.

I smile." Yeah I'll pick you up in a hour." I laugh and stay on the call." What do you wanna talk about?" I ask he's so cute when he's annoyed my heart skips a few beats when I think about that gorgeous face

"I don't really know. I've never really had a friend before. Let alone a boyfriend." I say. The word just sounds right. It' sounds natural to call you my boyfriend. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask just wanting to hear the sound of your voice really.

"Where do you actually live?" I ask him processing the word boyfriend in my head and my heart skips a beat again and I blush." Boyfriend? I'm your boyfriend?" I ask like I've never heard the word before and I lean back holding fire in my hand

"Well yeah. We are going on a date aren't we. Isn't that what people call eachother when dating?" I ask avoiding the first question of where I'm from. what am I supposed to say? Oh yeah I'm actually an angel sent here yo earth to prove myself and show everyone that I'm good so I don't get a lot of your human terms and traditions.

"But ts one date. They usually call each other that as a form of love and affection." I say and lean back why didn't he say where he's from I had a weird feeling about him before this is just adding on to it. I sigh and put the phone on speaker and set it on the bed

"No technically it's our second. Third if you want to count when we were in the park." I say with a slight chuckle. If we stay dating for a week then, maybe then, I'll break down and tell you what I truly am and where I truly come from. It's a little to soon to say right now.

"But do you like me? As in love and affection?" I ask him and roll my eyes when he says it's our third date." Technically it's our 4th then." I laugh and look at fire petting his back and hearing him purr