
Hol up you got a WIFE?? Uhm, spill the beans please- Kidding kidding But these WIPS are awesome! Do you do 2 sketches then lineart? Or did you change the sketch when you were lining it?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Gold Hearts said: That's amazing! I could never understand how the anatomy works, and I also suck at lineart so I'm just a lineart colorist now :)
Lmao I didn't understand how anatomy worked for ages either, I still don't- I just pretend I do. Excisus said: Hol up you got a WIFE?? Uhm, spill the beans please- Kidding kidding But these WIPS are awesome! Do you do 2 sketches then lineart? Or did you change the sketch when you were lining it?
Yeah I have a wife I love her <3
Thanks! :D I do one sketch and then straight to lineart, so I changed my sketch mid-way through lining it as the head/neck didn't look right when it was lined ;;
Here's the finished one!

So beautiful! I love the band on the feet. It gives it a more intelligent look if that makes sense?

et please teach me how to make pretty designs kjgfkd also, lovely gallery !

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Gold Hearts said: So beautiful! I love the band on the feet. It gives it a more intelligent look if that makes sense?
Thank you! :DD I'm not quite sure I follow but I appreciate it nonetheless! sekizen said: et please teach me how to make pretty designs kjgfkd also, lovely gallery !
Sir you already know how to make pretty designs, shaking my head Thank youuu! <33

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
How lazily can I draw Kobel? I wonder,, [c]157083 

Thanks for Ei's lovely design beloved <333 ALSO KOBEL OMG I love him so muchhh <333
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That Kobel piece of him telling you his own design notes is MWAH Fucking love that idea!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Excisus said: That Kobel piece of him telling you his own design notes is MWAH Fucking love that idea!
Thanks! I plan on doing it for a few of my other characters too! AyukioCC said: Thanks for Ei's lovely design beloved <333 ALSO KOBEL OMG I love him so muchhh <333
Of course <333 thank you for commissioning me <33 AAA RIGHT?? I missed drawing my idiot man Annd more Kobel, featuring a very tired Satan
