
It's mah boi *^* These pixels are fucking amazing bro! The texture of the fur and the dyamic poses are freaking awesome!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Excisus said: It's mah boi *^* These pixels are fucking amazing bro! The texture of the fur and the dyamic poses are freaking awesome!
It is!! :DD And thank you <33 I think I've out-pixeled myself for now, I think I might pass away if I even try to draw another. Annd some more art n WIPs *^* 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
More sketches for my giveaway pieces! :D And one finished piece! 

I love this! SO cool and it never stop coming :'}

jesus eternity how do you produce so much art- i get burnt after one half-assed peice


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The HellHowlers said: I love this! SO cool and it never stop coming :'}
Thank you! :DD
Yellow said: jesus eternity how do you produce so much art- i get burnt after one half-assed peice
The HellHowlers said: @Yellow Same XD
See my response to art block is to go through it head first- I just,, don't. I force myself to draw through it heh- Sure, sometimes it means I produce some really shitty artwork because of this, but I'd rather that than be burnt out for months! I also make sure I have resources to kick art block always nearby and accessible. I actually have a document named 'For artblock' which I go to whenever I really can't draw anything, it's got some small ideas listed and little activities such as blending colours and hatching/shading tasks that get me back in the mood to draw! It also has a lot of inspiration, linked pinterest boards, speedpaints and other resources linked in it! :D Sometimes it is important to take a break though, and when I really can't push myself I gotta take the pressure off for a day or two. [Like these past two days!] Anyway, here's a commission piece I completed on the 28th! 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Progress on this piece for my beloved wife <33

That's amazing! I could never understand how the anatomy works, and I also suck at lineart so I'm just a lineart colorist now :)