
One word for this art "Magnificent" Naaaah Just kidding I have a lot of words for this art :D Beautiful, Amazing, Great, cool, awesome, Crazy, and Unbelievable! I have loads more but I don't want to change the whole forum to different words to describe your art <3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Awe thanks <333 It really means a lot! :DDD Here's another art dump all [c]157083, 86Eternity [aka me lol] You can really see the varying quality here lmaooo 


I love them! They're so adorable! The angel one is... Damn, how are you such a good artist? I couldn't draw half that well!

Damn that one of Torryn is just magnificent:00 That expression is MWAH

Omg, Torryn be looking Awesome!, And Oh my the wolf shark thingy is crazy!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Not me forgetting to respond lolol Thanks all! <333 your words mean a lot

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Oh here's some more art [c]157083, 86Eternity, aka me  Edited at November 4, 2021 10:42 PM by EYET

Aweeee i like the last one :} The comical one was funny lol

"Guess I'll just die" Fucking mood lmfao