
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
A quick little sketch of AyukioCC and I's characters Venus and Escal.

I don't know if I commented this BUT WHAT THE-?!??! You are SOOO good! Also, I subscribed to this :D (*cough* cry- *cough*)

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Eighteen said: I don't know if I commented this BUT WHAT THE-?!??! You are SOOO good! Also, I subscribed to this :D (*cough* cry- *cough*)
Aaa thank you sososo much! I hope I don't spam you with notifications or anything heh- ------- Cries in I didn't do any art yesterday- BUT- I did complete another commission today ;>> This is for the user Vapor on Toyhouse. 

ŌvŌ How are you so good at these eeeyyyyyyeeeeeeesss AHHHHHHH!!! [Mod Edit: Removed for excessive caps] You are so amazing at this stuff :'} Edited at August 25, 2021 08:19 PM by Syncopated Clock

I want it ALL in a museum ahhh Edited at August 25, 2021 08:20 PM by Wanderlust

[Mod Edit: Removed for excessive caps]Edited at August 25, 2021 08:20 PM by Syncopated Clock

ET really do be like "oh here's a masterpiece that I made, oh here's another one and oh wait-here's another--" dlkfjlsdkj :0 <33

[Mod Edit: Removed for excessive caps] Edited at August 25, 2021 08:22 PM by Syncopated Clock

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
 [c]157083 But seriously aaa <333 thank you all for your kind words-! Even though I may uh- never know what some of these posts said ahah. Seriously it means a lot <33

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Sure is a great day to draw edgy dudes. B)