
wow! this is amazing! I love your wing detail and the hands are so detailed!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The HellHowlers said: wow! this is amazing! I love your wing detail and the hands are so detailed!
Thanks! :D Feathered wings are one of my favourite things to draw! Hands,, not so much, but I'm getting better with every attempt! Annd on the subject of hands,, Tried a new method of shading today! I'm definitely going to play more with this, I looove how it looks. 

Fenn!! :0 That symbol on his wrist looks interesting, what does it mean?

im defintely not here to stalk or anything just casually landing on some random page... Edited at August 18, 2021 08:56 AM by CriesInTheNight
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Syncopated Clock said: Fenn!! :0 That symbol on his wrist looks interesting, what does it mean?
Yes Fenn! :D He's finally safe from my sales folder after being moved back and forth for the past 2 years-
The symbol on his wrist is related to C.O.L.L.A.P.Se [naturally] and is the Junker Patch, a tattoo that shows someone is part of the wider Junker community :D There's some more info on 'em under the groups folder on the world!
CriesInTheNight said: im defintely not here to stalk or anything just casually landing on some random page...
I- Alright then- Hello- Don't get lost in all the pages heh-

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Wow, more art already ET? Don't you have better things to do? No lol 

holy crap ET thank you for making 70+ pages of breathtaking art for me to get lost in for the next few hours :'D

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Maraud said: holy crap ET thank you for making 70+ pages of breathtaking art for me to get lost in for the next few hours :'D
Aaaa dude noo thank you <3333 Please some of the stuff in here is so old- this gallery will be like,, three years old in a few months-

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
"Please ET, just do something else for once." Hah.
Anyway! Here's a nice lil piece with guess what,, a background yeah-! The characters featured here are Redael and Aster.

i have no problem getting lost, all pages are amazing Eternity said: CriesInTheNight said: im defintely not here to stalk or anything just casually landing on some random page...
I- Alright then- Hello- Don't get lost in all the pages heh-
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