
I love his color scheme, it's so pretty :0

I love all of your art :0 its seriously like, god-tier! I aspire to be as good at art as you are one day <3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Syncopated Clock said: I love his color scheme, it's so pretty :0
Thank you! <33 Asmiak's colour scheme is one of my favourites.
Nostalgia said: I love all of your art :0 its seriously like, god-tier! I aspire to be as good at art as you are one day <3
Aaa thank you so much <33 I'm really trying to improve it at the moment so I hope it shows ahah- Bro please you're too sweet sob -
Annnd here's a lil gift for my darling Ayu <33 [c]157083

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Will I ever go back to drawing ferals? Who knows- [Of course I will lol] All images [c]157083   

Dude- everything you do inspires me so so sooooo much. I don't think I could really sum up how inspiring your art is- especially your humans.
I don't draw humans,, like- at all,, but seeing all of your characters with such complex dynamics and how you have the ability to draw them for yourself is just ,,, AAA I want to do that,, so I have to draw humans and improve them- y'know? I used to comm art that I wanted but being able to draw **exactly** what you want is hella good and I really admire how real you make your characters feel by drawing 'em
Edited at July 30, 2021 02:15 PM by Kodoggy

this is all so awesome! those are so nice!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Kodoggy said: Dude- everything you do inspires me so so sooooo much. I don't think I could really sum up how inspiring your art is- especially your humans.
I don't draw humans,, like- at all,, but seeing all of your characters with such complex dynamics and how you have the ability to draw them for yourself is just ,,, AAA I want to do that,, so I have to draw humans and improve them- y'know? I used to comm art that I wanted but being able to draw **exactly** what you want is hella good and I really admire how real you make your characters feel by drawing 'em
Shut up before I kiss you on the mouth I swear you- Sobs but in all seriousness thank you ;; I still can't draw absolutely everything I want to draw- but the first step towards that is drawing everything I want badly *^* It's nice that uh,, it's slowly getting easier to draw human characters interacting. I got tired of static scenes lmao-
The HellHowlers said: this is all so awesome! those are so nice!
Awee thank you so much! <33 it means a lot!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Oh were you not expecting to see brightly coloured lesbians having a moment on your screen today? Too bad

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
More art, featuring a YCH for Kodoggy and two designs destined for my sales folder offsite. All [c]157083 Edited at August 5, 2021 08:55 PM by Eternity
