
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Hurry said: Cat x Shark :D that's interesting concept, but some cats do like water, thou I have yet to meet one of those X3 I think it is really amazing how you can make quality art in whichever program or media you choose :3
Right-? It's certainly an interesting combination! And thank you! <33 it was for a user on Artfight.
The HellHowlers said: I'm learning Photoshop, can't wait for more of your art to come!
Eyy that's awesome-! Photoshop truly is an incredible program when it's not being a bastard. I couldn't use anything else.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Annnd some recent chibis! Trying out a new style for my chibis and honestly, I really like this one.  Edited at July 12, 2021 06:27 PM by Eternity

Im in love with your human(oid) arts especially your chibis!:3 Edited at July 12, 2021 06:26 PM by Sproot

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Sproot said: Im in love with your human(oid) arts especially your chibis!:3
Ah thank you so much! I love drawing humanoids, even if they are a massive pain.
Here's a lil gifted redesign for Synco! The original from 2018  And the new one, today 


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The HellHowlers said: amazing!
Thank you! <3

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Giant death noodle shows up in your house, what you doin'?   This piece features my newest character who is yet to be named-! :0 If anyone could drop some name suggestions that'd be great! 

Honestly, looks like a Levi to me


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Excisus said: Honestly, looks like a Levi to me
Kodoggy said: Seconding Levi. *^*
Oh god don't you little bastards even tempt me with Levi-