
Alastor: he shook his head, he couldn't really hear George anymore. His ears rung. Whispers floated through th air. A shadowy hand grabbed hold of his arm. "You lied to me, you lied... you liar!!" He directed his words at George shooting a glare at him, although he didn't seem aggressive yet.

Emma - She looked around. "Eli? Where are you?"

George: "I never lied to you! I'd be lying if I said everything was fine!!" George cried after jerking his arm free of the shadow. "Shouldn't I be aloud to ask you questions if I am concerned about something? We are friends still, right?"

Hey As! How'd your day go??

Alastor: he shook his head running his hand through his hair. He was having trouble speaking, like something was physically preventing him from doing so, or trying to. "Y-you said that... it didn't matter what I did! I warned you!! I-I told you that I was dangerous. If you didn't already think that I did it you wouldn't be asking!!" He choked on the air, the same shadowy arm that grabbed George now grabbing onto Alastor's neck. Another grabbing his shoulder. Eli: "I'm not telling!!" He giggled taking a bite of the chocolate bar while running into a different room.

Hi!! It went pretty good! My coffee came in the mail and the sewing machine part that I was missing. How are you?? Edited at August 18, 2020 05:51 PM by Aselk

That's awesome!! I am doing pretty good as well!!

George: "Alastor please I-" George paused before shooing away the shadowy hands with a glare. "Fuck off Mr. Shadow-McShadow!! Now as I was saying-" George turned back to Alastor grabbing his shoulders gently- "Alex showed me he had scars with you name literally written all over him. He said you killed Alice and him. I don't believe you killed Alice and at best you killed Alex, but I just want your answer and then we can leave this topic alone!"

Alastor: the shadowy hands were solid, like they were actual people. He'd locked away these certain few memories for years, at least he tried to. Only recently had he succeeded but now everything was being dug back up to the surface. "And you believe him." Words we're getting harder for him to put together, two more hands wrapped around his arm and leg while another grabbed George and tried to pull him away.

George: "Alastor, are you listening? Of course I don't believe him!! 'At best' means I don't even think you did that!! I want you to talk to me though and please just tell me why those scars are there!!!" George shot back, trying to pull away from the shadow that was grabbing him while he took out his gun.