
It shall not break though. As explained in the paragraph regarding only his jawline. Spellbound said: Mircea does, to punch it 😌

I finally finished Salen's lineart- well the base of it ;_; I don't wanna add clothes sob


Anyone angry enough can break things 🥰 Overthink101 said: It shall not break though. As explained in the paragraph regarding only his jawline. Spellbound said: Mircea does, to punch it 😌
Edited at June 16, 2022 04:15 PM by Spellbound

I- I'm almost a foot taller- Spellbound said: Me being 4'11 irl

Ciao said: I- I'm almost a foot taller- Spellbound said: Me being 4'11 irl
I am a foot taller-

Giants Ciao said: I- I'm almost a foot taller- Spellbound said: Me being 4'11 irl
Ebanon said: Ciao said: I- I'm almost a foot taller- Spellbound said: Me being 4'11 irl
I am a foot taller-

Kämpa said: Hey Pluto pulled out of the RP so the heir to the Empire spot is open if anyone was wanting to make another character. The spot isn't something that we need right now, but I would prefer it be filled :>
Did you scare Pluto off? O.o/teasing Edited at June 16, 2022 04:29 PM by Sir Froggington

I think we did because of how fast the RP was going 😅. If it could be considered fast. But Over has taken the mantle Sir Froggington said: Kämpa said: Hey Pluto pulled out of the RP so the heir to the Empire spot is open if anyone was wanting to make another character. The spot isn't something that we need right now, but I would prefer it be filled :>
Did you scare Pluto off?

It's pretty fast for the average reply to be 1500-2000 words