
I really like the picrew i have for Mosi and want something similar. I have to find someone I could trust to draw indigenous features well though.
and Poe I desperately want full body art of

X enjoys Peloponnese (Greek wine) yet mainly drinks apple juice Percy is a simple man and enjoys hot chocolate, yet drinks liquor when at parties Meanwhile, Astro loves any non-alcoholic beverages Edited at February 14, 2023 05:40 PM by Tamesis

Ravensrun said: Awe Dakota would never get left behind. And if any place wasn't wheelchair accessible Mosi would just pick her and the whole chair up and carry it where it need to go
XD we love Mosi :)) She just worries a lot . She kind reflects my personality I just relized XD

May I ask what the cause of the wheelchair is.

Eh substance abusé when her mother was pregnant with her :)) if you would like more detail I'll pm you because it can be a triggering or sensitive subject

Astro would aid them if they ask for it or sees them struggling X. . .he'll might leave her there Percy will help while flirting with her XD

I feel like This is going to be a hilarious meet up XD for Dakota and others Dakots is going to be having Percy saying Heyyy in her ear .

Doa doesn't mind. Honestly, he treats everyone like family since he vibrates a motherly vibe. I actually need to post for him, ahhh Pastry Lord said: Kobeni Please may your character, Miyaki Doa be quite close as they share a love of guitar and other stuff ? Like a sibling almost . If not that's fine .oh yes it would be for Dakota . Also known as Lily Quinn. :))

I think I have got my relationships with everyone she knows sorted . I'll add that to her form

Computer: Please enter a password. Astrophil: *types in Avenoir* Computer: Your password is too weak. Astrophil: How fucking DARE YOU- Avenoir: Look, Mosi! It's the good Kush! Mosi: It's the dollar store, how good can it be? Astrophil: I'm having problems with a guy... Mosi: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems? Avenoir: There. How do I look? Mosi: Like a cheap French harlot. Avenoir: French?! Mosi: We both look very handsome tonight. Avenoir: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you." Mosi: I couldn't take that chance. Astrophil: Do you want to know your gay name? Mosi: My... my gay name? Astrophil: Yeah, it's your first name- Mosi: Haha. Very funny Astrophil- Astrophil: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Mosi: Oh- oh my god.