Their cells are more room-like. 14x16, light grey cemented walls, light grey floor, light grey ceiling, all made out of cement. There is one bed per room, metal black frame white mattress and a few blankets and pillows. The bedframe is bolted to the floor. There is also a white toilet as well in one of the corners. The door has more a plastic look, with white rebars inbedded with the plastic within the door's walls. There also will be one window, it is barred with white rebar, and the xperiments and talk through it.
They all have specific lunch times, which you get to choose whenever. Powers and abilities do not affect any of the guards or scientists for they have some sort of.. protection barrier around themselves. So no, telepathy, pesuasion etc. won't work on them.
If your characters are to attempt to use their powers inside their cells, they can, but it won't affect anything except maybe the bed sheets. and pillow. They can not lift the bed frame, the toilet , the floor, anything, it all has been coated with the same barrier protections as the guards and Ibex in general.
The tests are going to be different this time. More instead of needles, they are going to be doing physical tests since everyone has been free longer then expected.. Experimentals will be forced to fight one another, race eachother, be placed into rooms where they face their biggest fear, physical tests, etc.
Guards will be posted at every end of each corridor, one will walk up and down the long hallway, to make sure everything is in order.
The kids have a 20x34 room, full of colors, toys, beds, a small closet-like box with a toilet inside. They do not get tests like the adults, they get needles, treadmil, etc. All children under 15 go in there.
Dragonhorse said:
What are the cells like? Can you either give a brief overview of like what our characters would be doing in there? Or maybe post one character of yours?