
Possible Darwin could've come from the Count/Countess of Slerosea? But it was a hidden fact until he came to Aibruvia and got his birth records and heritage checked (possibly he was stolen/kidnapped as a baby) and he found himself going back home, meeting his parents and then being claimed and enobled, and afterwards hired in the castle after this Edited at August 29, 2022 05:08 PM by Spellbound

And here I was thinking Diamond's dad just chucked him out of their house in Aibruvia- Do you think we can talk this out in the pms? I honestly just need to ask you some questions that I am curious about too.



Not yet. I'm still working on details on how to proceed with the first post.

I forgot to mention what kind of horse Corin's mount is lmao.
Can we use real-life breeds? Or just settle for not specifically stating what kind of horse it is but using descriptors for what it looks like from real-life horses?
I really hope that came out in an understandable way.

I know this doesn't answer your question like at all, but if we are making up horse breeds for this rp then a Slerosean farming breed has to be this fucking MASSIVE draft horse with really thick hair and a long main.

Covidic said: Hm.. I don't see why not I suppose. Pastry Lord said: Covidic May I make a suitor related as a brother to Neptune? If not I understand.
Let me quickly do him then , as the role play has st eyes .oops

Covidic said: Hm.. I don't see why not I suppose. Pastry Lord said: Covidic May I make a suitor related as a brother to Neptune? If not I understand.
Let me quickly do him then , as the role play is rolling wuickly Pastry Lord said:

Also if you can't figure out how to make him a noble. Princes main dresser can be called a valet and can justs be a very close friend. And after or during service gain a title as a gift