
Has the poll been set up yet? Just curious


Crazydayz said: Can the people who have their pairings sorted out please let me know so I can make a list of them?
I have Lynxtuft/Shashlik, with Dawn Forest and Mountain Pack's pups.

Crazydayz said: Characters needing pairings sorted - Males Jarkek Ash Sikúnguaĸ - Females Ivory Willow Liu
Willow is a mated pair with Jarkek, in the process of getting in contact with the other acc that play the character but if all goes well Ash will be with Liu Edited at January 7, 2024 11:59 AM by Glowing Ambers


Notice! I will now be pairing the pack members who have not had pairings sorted out by now!

Pairing suggestions Ash and Liu Sikúnguaĸ and Ivory Jarkek and Willow - I have tried to pair together people who haven't already got characters that interact with eachother. If any of these are a problem, please let me know.


For the waterfall cave, I was thinking, what if the cave was hard to discover, not because no one thought to look behind a waterfall, but because it's located in a very hard-to-reach-place? Like, what if it's located in a series of cliffs and waterfalls that are hard to navigate and pretty dangerous for those who can't climb well? All of the rivers and pools are shallow, but because wolves have to get wet to make it to the higher cliffs, it's easy to slip and fall. So, obviously, no wolf thought to actually try to explore the area due to it being so dangerous - until one did. Notice how the large waterfall in the middle doesn't seem to land in any visible pools of water? It actually does, but the water flows into the cave. The first wolf who bothered to explore the area realized this and followed the hidden river into the cave. My idea of the exterior looks something like this: Over time, more and more secret passages were found, and as a result, more and more juveniles and pups started thinking it was a good idea to sneak out of camp to try and do a little exploring. This became known as "challenging the Bridge" (or whatever we're calling the cave). What do you think?

Wolf's Bane said: For the waterfall cave, I was thinking, what if the cave was hard to discover, not because no one thought to look behind a waterfall, but because it's located in a very hard-to-reach-place? Like, what if it's located in a series of cliffs and waterfalls that are hard to navigate and pretty dangerous for those who can't climb well? All of the rivers and pools are shallow, but because wolves have to get wet to make it to the higher cliffs, it's easy to slip and fall. So, obviously, no wolf thought to actually try to explore the area due to it being so dangerous - until one did. Notice how the large waterfall in the middle doesn't seem to land in any visible pools of water? It actually does, but the water flows into the cave. The first wolf who bothered to explore the area realized this and followed the hidden river into the cave. My idea of the exterior looks something like this: Over time, more and more secret passages were found, and as a result, more and more juveniles and pups started thinking it was a good idea to sneak out of camp to try and do a little exploring. This became known as "challenging the Bridge" (or whatever we're calling the cave). What do you think?
I like it.. What if the juveniles and pups think it's their secret. But every adult knows like it's a hideout. They are iffy about the pups going but the juveniles they think it's funny cause it's nostalgic. And about the tunnels how about like there is a lot rain they get flooded. Maybe call it the passages/tunnels: Passage of Perserveance or Passage of Mysteries