
Of course! Dragonhorse said: Also Rona, can we post our cell numbers so we know who's next to who?

You posted it after I asked, XD Covidic Coffee said: Of course! Dragonhorse said: Also Rona, can we post our cell numbers so we know who's next to who?

Oh bloody hell. He just got used to Ero's crazy. Now he has to deal with a whole 'nother flavor of crazy. Dragonhorse said: Oh, Ahmya's unnamed baby, XD. Also... Jericho: Gets torn away from his psychopathic girlfriend Also Jericho: Get's put next to a psychopathic guy

Maybe Ahmya should call the baby like a sorta name, it needs a name by now, XD.

Oh nooo! One page away T-T. Also side note: Ahmya's baby has a temproary name now!

Also wanted to add: Both Goddess and Lucille have kids, just to put them in the child sector for refrence. Karasu is Lucille's kid.

Alrighty! Dragonhorse said: Oh nooo! One page away T-T. Also side note: Ahmya's baby has a temproary name now!

Nakao and Ota are going to be next door neighbors and going to constantly shout at each other. <3 Ah, father and son bonding time.

Oh good grief. That's going to be interesting. Cereal said: Nakao and Ota are going to be next door neighbors and going to constantly shout at each other. <3 Ah, father and son bonding time.

So, if I am offline and you guys reach page 63, if I may ask, is it ok that you all hold back on replies until I reply with the Ibex Mass Capture?