
Oh boy... it's about to get real. and Jericho and Ero were getting along so nice too... Covidic Coffee said: Will be PMing you all tonight of your characters information. Please read Below (Only if you haven't). I will be reposting this at least twice a day until we have reached paged 63 in the RP. If possible, PM me your character names so its easier for me to find your characters and notify you. You don't have to, but it would be helpful. RP Announcement Some of you may of heard me speak of a "secret" plan I had in mind. And well, that has come! On PAGE 63 I will be making a post, of every single one of the Experimentals capture, NO EXCEPTIONS! Your characters will be knocked out with no warning, your characters will either be knocked out with brute force or gas, please PM ME which choice you choose. Ill repeat it just in case. GAS or BRUTE FORCE PLEASE READ THIS! Your characters will all be waking up in the Ibex Facility located under the ocean in the North Atlantic Ocean. Male Experimentals will be placed in the East Corridor, the Female Experimentals will be placed in the South Corridor. These corridors are long hallways, rooms on each side of the wall. Your character will be assigned a room. PM ME FOR THIS INFORMATION. Your room has a solid, cemented wall, with a glass door (which no, you can not break through). One bed, one toilet, and one table. These essentials are all light grey colored, all bolted to the floor so your Experimentals won't rip them up. Your characters will also be assigned a specific doctor, PM ME to figure this out. You will be able to control this doctor, as long as it acts in an appropriate way which will be discussed in PMS. REREAD IF YOU THINK YOU MISSED ANYTHING THIS BEGINS ON PAGE 63. I WILL POST FIRST, AND EVERYONE WILL REPLY WITH ONE POST FOR EACH CHARACTER. WHEN EVERYONE HAS POSTED EACH CHARACTER, NOTIFY ME IN DISCUSSIONS OR PMS. PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS

I'm so excited, XD. Also I'm doing a post soon Cereal said: Want more Nakao or Ota moments? Lol

Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

Question for the rooms the experiments will be held in: Will the experiments be able to talk to each other by method of talking into a connecting vent or some other method that'll allow them to hear each other or will they be seperated and unable to talk to one another (something akin to a solitary confinement room)? Covidic Coffee said: Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

They will be able to talk to one another while in their rooms, yes. The walls are strong and thick, but they can still speak through them. Shadow Hearts said: Question for the rooms the experiments will be held in: Will the experiments be able to talk to each other by method of talking into a connecting vent or some other method that'll allow them to hear each other or will they be seperated and unable to talk to one another (something akin to a solitary confinement room)? Covidic Coffee said: Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

I imagine that Ibex will have to make the walls of Jericho's room different than the rest since he can bend and mold metal to his will. Wouldn't make sense to hold him in an iron box... you're just asking for him to walk out with a heavy duty set of armor. Covidic Coffee said: They will be able to talk to one another while in their rooms, yes. The walls are strong and thick, but they can still speak through them. Shadow Hearts said: Question for the rooms the experiments will be held in: Will the experiments be able to talk to each other by method of talking into a connecting vent or some other method that'll allow them to hear each other or will they be seperated and unable to talk to one another (something akin to a solitary confinement room)? Covidic Coffee said: Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

Yes, yes, will do. Shadow Hearts said: I imagine that Ibex will have to make the walls of Jericho's room different than the rest since he can bend and mold metal to his will. Wouldn't make sense to hold him in an iron box... you're just asking for him to walk out with a heavy duty set of armor. Covidic Coffee said: They will be able to talk to one another while in their rooms, yes. The walls are strong and thick, but they can still speak through them. Shadow Hearts said: Question for the rooms the experiments will be held in: Will the experiments be able to talk to each other by method of talking into a connecting vent or some other method that'll allow them to hear each other or will they be seperated and unable to talk to one another (something akin to a solitary confinement room)? Covidic Coffee said: Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

On the bright side, I may be able to do some back and forth between Malaki and Jericho if they're locked in the same area. I wonder how they'll get along... Covidic Coffee said: Yes, yes, will do. Shadow Hearts said: I imagine that Ibex will have to make the walls of Jericho's room different than the rest since he can bend and mold metal to his will. Wouldn't make sense to hold him in an iron box... you're just asking for him to walk out with a heavy duty set of armor. Covidic Coffee said: They will be able to talk to one another while in their rooms, yes. The walls are strong and thick, but they can still speak through them. Shadow Hearts said: Question for the rooms the experiments will be held in: Will the experiments be able to talk to each other by method of talking into a connecting vent or some other method that'll allow them to hear each other or will they be seperated and unable to talk to one another (something akin to a solitary confinement room)? Covidic Coffee said: Ok, I think I got everyone... Sharing Scientists are allowed, I dont care with who or how many people, but only 1 of you can post for the scientist, and tell me who your sharing them with if you plan on sharing. And please tell me if I missed any characters..

Ibex Guard #1: It's been oddly peaceful today. Ibex Guard #2: I know right. *sips a cup of coffee* Ibex Guard #1: Have they finally calmed down? Ibex Guard #3: Uh, has anyone check their cells? Everyone broke out! Ibex Guard #2: There go our jobs.

You got a hell of a lot more things to worry about if everyone broke out. I'd say two-thirds of the characters want to make good on some overdue revenge. Cereal said: Ibex Guard #1: It's been oddly peaceful today. Ibex Guard #2: I know right. *sips a cup of coffee* Ibex Guard #1: Have they finally calmed down? Ibex Guard #3: Uh, has anyone check their cells? Everyone broke out! Ibex Guard #2: There go our jobs.