
I feel like I rushed it a bit quickly with that progression, but the interaction with the car made me feel like Jeriho would be able to pick up on the fact that Ero isn't completely psychotic, and instead suffers from it and has another side to her. Dragonhorse said: Jericho seeing zero fo the first time: Crazy psychopathic cold hearted girl. Jericho now: Crazy psychotic semi-sweet not actually cold hearted girl.

I wasn't critiquing you! I just love it so much, XD. That's Ero for you. Psychodic for a reason Shadow Hearts said: I feel like I rushed it a bit quickly with that progression, but the interaction with the car made me feel like Jeriho would be able to pick up on the fact that Ero isn't completely psychotic, and instead suffers from it and has another side to her. Dragonhorse said: Jericho seeing zero fo the first time: Crazy psychopathic cold hearted girl. Jericho now: Crazy psychotic semi-sweet not actually cold hearted girl.

I didn't take it as a critquite from you Dragon, it was just a personal feeling I had about it. Ah well, it's written down, so I need to keep to it. Also, we're getting closer to the big Ibex plan, which is starting to worry me. Dragonhorse said: I wasn't critiquing you! I just love it so much, XD. That's Ero for you. Psychodic for a reason Shadow Hearts said: I feel like I rushed it a bit quickly with that progression, but the interaction with the car made me feel like Jeriho would be able to pick up on the fact that Ero isn't completely psychotic, and instead suffers from it and has another side to her. Dragonhorse said: Jericho seeing zero fo the first time: Crazy psychopathic cold hearted girl. Jericho now: Crazy psychotic semi-sweet not actually cold hearted girl.

I mean it makes sense. For her psychodic nature, she's actually very loyal and she's very very bad at taking care of herself, so its easy to see how someone could care about her. Besdies, they were both in Ibex and know how much that sucks and takes its toll. Shadow Hearts said: I didn't take it as a critquite from you Dragon, it was just a personal feeling I had about it. Ah well, it's written down, so I need to keep to it. Also, we're getting closer to the big Ibex plan, which is starting to worry me.

Actually... that makes a lot of sense. Jericho can feel for Ero, thinking that her psychopathy was inflicted by Ibex and he thinks that he could break through to her and be a part of the healing process, since she's dropped the fact that others have abandoned her, making her who is she now. Jericho wants to be the difference maker, the one who breaks the cycle and helps Ero potentially break from her psychopathy, and not to be just one more person who gave up on her and cause her to fall further. Dragonhorse said: I mean it makes sense. For her psychodic nature, she's actually very loyal and she's very very bad at taking care of herself, so its easy to see how someone could care about her. Besdies, they were both in Ibex and know how much that sucks and takes its toll. Shadow Hearts said: I didn't take it as a critquite from you Dragon, it was just a personal feeling I had about it. Ah well, it's written down, so I need to keep to it. Also, we're getting closer to the big Ibex plan, which is starting to worry me.

RP Announcement Some of you may of heard me speak of a "secret" plan I had in mind. And well, that has come! On PAGE 63 I will be making a post, of every single one of the Experimentals capture, NO EXCEPTIONS! Your characters will be knocked out with no warning, your characters will either be knocked out with brute force or gas, please PM ME which choice you choose. Ill repeat it just in case. GAS or BRUTE FORCE PLEASE READ THIS! Your characters will all be waking up in the Ibex Facility located under the ocean in the North Atlantic Ocean. Male Experimentals will be placed in the East Corridor, the Female Experimentals will be placed in the South Corridor. These corridors are long hallways, rooms on each side of the wall. Your character will be assigned a room. PM ME FOR THIS INFORMATION. Your room has a solid, cemented wall, with a glass door (which no, you can not break through). One bed, one toilet, and one table. These essentials are all light grey colored, all bolted to the floor so your Experimentals won't rip them up. Your characters will also be assigned a specific doctor, PM ME to figure this out. You will be able to control this doctor, as long as it acts in an appropriate way which will be discussed in PMS. REREAD IF YOU THINK YOU MISSED ANYTHING THIS BEGINS ON PAGE 63. I WILL POST FIRST, AND EVERYONE WILL REPLY WITH ONE POST FOR EACH CHARACTER. WHEN EVERYONE HAS POSTED EACH CHARACTER, NOTIFY ME IN DISCUSSIONS OR PMS. PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS

Noooooooo T-T so sad, my beautiful babies are all gonna be captured. Ahmya better be stuck with her baby, I wanna see her fail at being a mother so badly, XD. Oh no... Blade and Ero are gonna flip. This is just overall very bad I am very sad and scared.

Also I have a question, where/how will the kids be placed? With parents or alone? Also what about babies?


All children will be placed in a specific corridor, West Corridor. There will be four rooms, children placed in rooms specifically, which you all will need tyo PM me Dragonhorse said: Also I have a question, where/how will the kids be placed? With parents or alone? Also what about babies?