
Im so stupid, it hurts sob. Never been really experienced in Medieval Speech, so I don't know how to word Edrys' words to the Princess & Mercia without sounding stupid >.>

I'm pretty sure it won't be that bad

Covidic No idea either :) I'm wondering if Randolph will get fed up with his mask and just take it off.

Covidic- It probably won't sound bad! Though you might be able to ask someone to help word it?

I feel you on the heat Covidic, every time I step outside it feels like I'm being blasted by a furnace. And I wouldn't worry too much about sounding medieval just think about how you would talk to the queen of england or something maybe lol

Oh yay, Randolph. We love Randolph. Only now it's a younger version of the lovable Randolph. Oh how great a day is this!

Overthink Awww, I'm glad you remember him fondly @Covidic I wouldn't worry about trying to sound medieval courtly too much. Like Shadows said essentially, just try to sound polite. They were probably speaking a different version of English anyway.

Yeah what Can-Can said ^^ Thats what I did for Mircea. I made sure to look up the proper way to address royalty and knights and such. Like I didn't know female knights were called Dame until yesterday.

@Frog Well, of course I do! He was your character in my first literate roleplay on this site. And he was hilarious. I actually find it quite funny, given how he'd been a king in that roleplay too. An old and senile king, but a king nonetheless. Edited at June 15, 2022 03:23 PM by Overthink101

Hm, alrighty! Thank you for your encouragement aha, much needed lol.