
Hey she might learn to like Phoebe, just give her some time! XD If she is ever mean to Phoebe though, I am sure Wren will be the first to help.

Edrys is tall and strong too, so Wren would most definitely not come away totally unscathed XD But it would be fun. I mean, I met one of my best friends when he was making fun of me on the playground and I socked him in the jaw.

I just travelled for over 23 hours D: anyways got some sleep and I'm backkk Reading all the little subplots are so fun!! Can't wait to watch them unfold while Aislin just vibes with her plants lmao

23 hours? My dude, that sounds miserable

I wonder how Ezra and Vesper would get along I also wonder if Gene and Aislin would get along.

Ezra wouldn't start drama; he doesn't want his sister getting hurt XD He'd probably pretend to just tolerate Vesper but would actually care about him

Also this is linked in Isolde's sign-up form, I just didn't want to clutter up either forum since this got pretty long lol. If anyone has ideas for how their character might interact with Isolde feel free to pm me

Me and Determined have a idea where Darwin and Vesper get into an argument with each other. I am so curious on how Ezra would react to that. Because I feel like this would be the first time he'll actually see Vesper yell at someone and possibly cry because he was so hurt by what was said.

Poor Ezra is over here scaring the crap out of people XD Sorry, Isolde ;-; . It would depend on what they were fighting about I guess. Obviously, as the prince's guard, he'd shut Darwin down hard and fast (or try to) but if Vesper antagonized Darwin in the first place then Ezra would have a thing or two to say later

I think the longest I've had to travel was sixteen hours but 23?? I think I would actually just die. I really love Isolde and think she would be super cute with Niamh!! <3 Oh boy that would be fun- why do I feel like Ezra might enter the room the two are arguing in at the worst possible time of the fight too?