
Hey it's okay! Dealing with family stuff can be really hard so don't worry about it in the slightest! Really glad to have you back though.

Alright. Subplots for my two. Ezra is currently dedicating all of his free time to training Naimh a new horse. For reasons. Horse will be gifted during the summer (is it already summer? When does this start?) for her birthday because hopefully she'll be mostly through the grieving process at that point. He may secretly add or refill oils and stuff to/in Vesper's hair collection. He will call Phoebe his commanding officer, and she will be addressed as such, unless the king himself is there to witness. He will also be constantly sarcastic and not take anyone's crap. He will ALSO be the infuriatingly calm one that pisses people off without even changing his tone. -- Wren will subtly ogle a suitor but stands no chance so probably won't engage. She may assist in training Niamh's new horse. Phoebe gets called what Phoebe wants, and she will full on fight people who make fun of this child. She's good at hand to hand combat and I want to use it on someone.

:O Wren and Suna training partners?? Suna is a pro at hand-to-hand and loves to exercise almost as much as she loves to play Li-qin. Suna also cares a bit less about status and whatnot so she would have absolutely no qualms in being seen near Wren lmao Mother said: She's good at hand to hand combat and I want to use it on someone.

That would be fun 👀 They're just over here duking it out and talking about the weather or something Overthink101 said: :O Wren and Suna training partners?? Suna is a pro at hand-to-hand and loves to exercise almost as much as she loves to play Li-qin. Suna also cares a bit less about status and whatnot so she would have absolutely no qualms in being seen near Wren lmao Mother said: She's good at hand to hand combat and I want to use it on someone.

Probably not something that can be that mundane- Though given that she's from the grasslands and now she's here, maybe they're talking about the differences? Or they could just be talking about Suna making Wren a flower crown and asking what flowers they have here and which are Wren's favorite? Mother said: That would be fun 👀 They're just over here duking it out and talking about the weather or something Overthink101 said: :O Wren and Suna training partners?? Suna is a pro at hand-to-hand and loves to exercise almost as much as she loves to play Li-qin. Suna also cares a bit less about status and whatnot so she would have absolutely no qualms in being seen near Wren lmao Mother said: She's good at hand to hand combat and I want to use it on someone.

Cuuuute Yes, I like this plan Overthink101 said: Probably not something that can be that mundane- Though given that she's from the grasslands and now she's here, maybe they're talking about the differences? Or they could just be talking about Suna making Wren a flower crown and asking what flowers they have here and which are Wren's favorite?

Hehe I knew these two might be a good match!! >:) Also I love the subplots for your characters! Especially the ones that involve Phoebe because it just warms my little heart. (also I am pretty sure at least one person does not like Phoebe so Wren might be able to fight someone for her little knight-) I should probably make subplots for my characters after I complete Vesper and Cordelia's ship sheet.

Who the Frick doesn't like Phoebe? >:|

one of Covidic's characters, Edrys. I am honestly really excited to see what will come of this! XD

What's going to come of it is a black eye and a bloody nose. e_e