
I can only make one more post if its in the next minute or two.

I would like someone to find Shi lol. It could be Jackson or Glory, doesn't matter which <3
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Ero and Ava have done it now... Jericho has already had it with the two, especially Ava and her antics. Hopefully they don't tear each other apart now that he's walking away from them.

Oh ya, maybe I'll type up a post later! We just got back so expect a Cero post soon!! Fangsoffire said: I would like someone to find Shi lol. It could be Jackson or Glory, doesn't matter which <3

And she has done it again lol. Maybe we should just change my character's name with yours XDD Dragonhorse said: Oh ya, maybe I'll type up a post later! We just got back so expect a Cero post soon!! Fangsoffire said: I would like someone to find Shi lol. It could be Jackson or Glory, doesn't matter which <3
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To be fair, I was standing in baggage claim and watching for our bags. XD Fangsoffire said: And she has done it again lol. Maybe we should just change my character's name with yours XDD Dragonhorse said: Oh ya, maybe I'll type up a post later! We just got back so expect a Cero post soon!! Fangsoffire said: I would like someone to find Shi lol. It could be Jackson or Glory, doesn't matter which <3

Well crap, I got a post out but Fangsies logged off T-T. What do it do now?

I'm so excited for Shadow to get on!

Yesss Dragonhorse said: I'm so excited for Shadow to get on!

I have a lot to do today, so I'm hoping that they get on soon so I'll be able to actually contribute some to the RP Covidic Coffee said: Yesss Dragonhorse said: I'm so excited for Shadow to get on!