
These children have no classical morals, do they? I'll make a post once I get out of school.

Cal has morals bury because he is Chaotic Good he is just... So damn crazy. This is why he is one of my favorite characters I have made

I've given Tyler enough chemicals to start a drug empire. My monkey brain escaped me again, I'm so sorry.

I'll write a response once I get home, it should hopefully have lots of Nabih angst. >:3

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I want to respond, but Tyler's already decided not toooooooooooooooooooooooooo, aaaaaaggggggggh

Oh my gosh so much angst for the poor child-

Nabih: God, why am I like this? I thought I was over it... *Chugs bottle of miscellanious alcohol with internal disgust* Tyler: Yes, I have attempted *Looks around shiftily* the drugs. *Stops being suspicious* I am disappointed.

Do you ever just think of an evil idea for your character that is just so evil that even you are thinking 'oh my gosh what maniac would do this to their characters?' Cause this happens to me a lot.

I don't ever think not-evil thoughts.

I promise I'll get a response out tomorrow, and Leroy's gonna go find Nabih and... stuff will happen ;) - Today's my birthday which is why I didn't reply sooner, hanging out with family (Also going to school because it is evil and I still have to go on my B-day because I have testing in two weeks :'( )