
And unless you want to do it like that ^^" . Personally feel that's a bit much for a post form. I usually just keep it simple like this. Vesper Sterling Windsor | 20 | Male | Second Rank Prince Of Aibruvia | Mentions: So Name | Age | Gender | Rank | Mentions Ravensrun said: Also when we get the rp forum should we put like a simpler imagery and personality post with space for outfit changes. That way if you need to quickly remind yourself of something you don't have to go digging through signups Example(you would have all of your characters one page) • Princess Niamh Tara Windsor: 19, Grey eyes, longer curly black hair (extra: North Star tattoo upper back, large red scar going down right eye) • |Intelligent|Feisty|Flirty side|Observant| |Kind|Loyal|Stubborn|Patient| • (this is where you can tell people to go check when we are mentioning potentially outfit changes. Like for a party or something)

Timber Pine Pack said: The best personality out there Ravensrun said: Lol I love that naimhs second lady in waiting's entire personality is just "murder"
I was totally reading the wrong person lol. Not naimhs lady in waiting but Edry("murder")

Spellbound said: And unless you want to do it like that ^^" . Personally feel that's a bit much for a post form. I usually just keep it simple like this. Vesper Sterling Windsor | 20 | Male | Second Rank Prince Of Aibruvia | Mentions: So Name | Age | Gender | Rank | Mentions Ravensrun said: Also when we get the rp forum should we put like a simpler imagery and personality post with space for outfit changes. That way if you need to quickly remind yourself of something you don't have to go digging through signups Example(you would have all of your characters one page) • Princess Niamh Tara Windsor: 19, Grey eyes, longer curly black hair (extra: North Star tattoo upper back, large red scar going down right eye) • |Intelligent|Feisty|Flirty side|Observant| |Kind|Loyal|Stubborn|Patient| • (this is where you can tell people to go check when we are mentioning potentially outfit changes. Like for a party or something)
Oh yeah I meant for us to have this on the fist page of the rp. Not with every post

Also just by the way: Handmaidens Share A Room With Each Other And So Do The Man Servants Guards Have A Whole Designated Wing For Them , Where They Each Have a Room But Share a Common Room

rubs hands together Lovely :) Spellbound said: If Prince Vesper has been in a bar fight then I assume some Royal Maidens have been in fights too. And plus why can't they have training for fighting, the guards aren't always gonna be around like they are - so it would be a bonus if the maids can kick ass. I know Gene has been trained

Are the Handmaidens all in the same room, or paired with just a few? I'd imagine if they were all in the same room, they'd have a nice, large room at that, nice and comfortable for them all to be in Spellbound said: Also just by the way: Handmaidens Share A Room With Each Other And So Do The Man Servants Guards Have A Whole Designated Wing For Them , Where They Each Have a Room But Share a Common Room

Edited at August 26, 2022 01:17 PM by Ravensrun

If I am not mistaken, handmaidens share a room with other haindmaidens who work under the same person. Anyways! Mion! How do we get a little antisocial little man out of his comfort zone and dating people will love him greatly? With the use of similar interest, increased intelligence, and gay panic! Let’s get into it! 3. The perfect person for someone who hates people is someone who hates people even more than you. This is why I think Mion and Ezra would be the perfect duo of snarky energy where they make fun of other people. Ezra and Mion have probably known each other for a while since Ezra has been guarding Vesper for a long time now and I am sure both of them would have bumped into each other at least once while trying to escape the overly crowded ball room. I know these two are probably an unlikely couple, but I still love the thought of the two of them standing on a balcony about the people and making fun of all of them. However, I feel like Mion might undermine Ezra in his mind for being a guard and not as intelligent as Mion which could make it harder for them to have serious conversations or for Mion to actually listen to Ezra. 2. The classic supervillain tends to be alluring because not only are they so good at being bad but because look hot doing it which is why when two masterminds come together the intrigue only grows. Edrys is a badass who is silent and not to be messed with while Mion would absolutely be the mind behind whatever operation they would conduct. Despite being the brute force, Edrys would be the authority and organization that Mion’s standards would meet and then some. Although these two would need to have a common goal in mind in order to work together, if they put their efforts into a common goal this power team would be near unstoppable. I am not sure what kind of dates they would go on if any, but I would assume something private yet somewhat sophisticated like a nice dinner. Even if they are not going to date, these two will be feared. 1. A finally, I may be a bit biased when saying this but, Seth is what I would rant as the perfect candidate for Mion’s heart. Seth fails to meet every expectation and Mion would be all the better for it if he began to date Seth. Seth is friendly and always smiling although he often hides his emotions out of his selfless desires. Mion will be the only person to knock sense into him and convince him to reveal his emotions more often. Seth might point out that Mion does something similar and from then on the two of them can work on saying “no” to people and being more honest on how they are feeling even if it upsets other people. I just think these two would be so wholesome together and goddamn it I love Seth so just give the man some love. These two would absolutely watch the sun set together and stay out well until the stars come out as they talk, Seth laughing and Mion actually smiling.

"The perfect person for someone who hates people is someone who hates people even more than you. " No but for real though 😂

Okay who did i say I would do next? I think it when Ezra, Vesper, and Hestia but I don't think that's right...