
Oooo~ thanks for the suggestion!!

George: "Yeah, wanna guess how many people live on Earth?" George asked with a smile. "Seven billion people, Eli. Cool right?" Ariv: "I won't question you now," Ariv sighed, taking the bag before heading to the door, "but believe me when I say I will be interrogating you later, understood?" Before Alastor could answer, Ariv left to get more water.


Eli: "really!? That's soooo many!!" He thought about it. "How can that many people live here?? Won't they eventually run out of room??" He questioned tilting his head. Alastor: he glared at the door then glared at the other person who smiled at him. That's when everything went south. Banging and yelling could be heard from the room.

George: “Well, I’m not really sure,” George chuckled honestly before looking up at the sign above the small building. “Oh we’re here!” Ariv: Ariv returned with the bag half full of water only a minute later. “Could you two not fight?” Ariv sighed. “I have a huge headache and whatever it is can wait for five more minutes.”

Eli: the moment he saw the store he squealed jumping up and down. "We are!? This is it!? Wow!! It's so much bigger then I thought!!" He giggled. Alastor: he glanced over to Ariv, currently he was choking out the other on the bed his lips were blue and he was gasping for air. "Don't worry, he won't be bothering you any longer. Isn't that right??" He looked down smiling as the other nodded desperately grasping at the sheets to get away.

George: "Calm down, kiddo!!" George laughed before leading him inside. "Alright. We gotta get gummies bears, chocolate, crickets, aaaand how about some more noodles." Ariv: "Alastor no!" Ariv nearly shrieked before quickly trying to stop Alastor from murdering that man. "You can't just kill him!! Surely you two can come to an agreement!"

Eli: he looked around the store, clutching onto George's hand tightly in fear that he may get lost again. "More noodles!? Yes please!!" He looked around. "What are gummie bears and chcocolate?" Alastor: he rolled his eyes letting him breathe although still pinning him down on the bed. He gasped for hair, his neck already turning purple and blue from the hold. "I put him in this world and I can take him out! He disobeyed orders and went as far as to speak to you." He looked down at him glaring. "He could be the reason we all die."

George: "You'll see in a second, okay?" George chuckled before grabbing a store basket and marching down to the soup isle. Ariv: "And how would that be? How could he be the reason we all die, exactly??" Ariv shot back, folding his arms crossly.

Eli: he nodded amazed at all the Isles of the store. He let go of George's hand and ran up to some Ramen that was on a shelf. "Wow!! There's so many!!" Alastor: he furrowed his eyebrows. "We as in... me and him. I think you forget that I'm Just the person that tells everyone else what to do to control the body. I'm connected with all of them, I feel everything they feel unless they are like this idiot and separated from the body."