

i've abused my fingers so much in the past two days

The servant betting pool just got larger


Haha. Hey, Kämpa. Like brother like sister. You'll understand eventually. - I've been loving the posts so far, every character is so fun to read lmao

Basil: *has a one night stand* Julia: No, Basil! I knew that Zak, Mir, and Kris would corrupt you eventually!

I'm trying to decide how much of a ✨gæ panik ✨ Mircea shall have after Zak's comments.

Higher than the sky. Wealthier than the royal treasurery. Make his gae panik soar. Spellbound said: I'm trying to decide how much of a ✨gæ panik ✨ Mircea shall have after Zak's comments.

Zak had no reason to be that smooth.

This is what sold me Zak instinctively started to walk toward Mircea, placing his hand on the shoulder of one of the maids that were rushing to help Mircea with their corset. The maid flinched and came to a halt. “The bath needs prepping,” Zak patted the maid’s shoulder, dismissing her. “B-but the bath is finished, your Royal Highness..” “The bath needs prepping.” Zak didn’t even spare the girl a glance before making a beeline to Mircea.