
Pretty much anything you can think of to an extent. Guards, they'd still make sure the Kingdom is safe. Messangers. Scouting/Exploring, even Resource/New Resource Gathering. High Ranked ones might be scent as Ambassadors, or Rider as Guards for Ambassadors. Younger ones may simply stay at the School and train until they're ready for various missions. Pretty much they shift into filling various roles within the society so they aren't just sitting around doing nothing. Argos said: Imp, what are dragon riders used for in times of peace?

It has saved me a million times. I'm grateful that it does it. I dont even think it's a legit feature, I think it just does it when it tries to reload anything that had work done on that page. Covidic said: Mind if we trade? Imperial Sands said: Ohhhh nooo Covidic ;-; I'm so grateful my chromebook has this feature that if I go back on a page that had work on it that reset, it'll reload with the work.

How do we have only like 11 or 10 pages in RP but have 60 here 0-0

Brontes will definitely make an example of Ryu if he gets in the way of Theo, specially if he is supposed to discipline him🙃 Spellbound said: Then Ryu will be fighting Brontes lmao 🤣 Icewing said: Ryu won't let him XD

Ryu shall be vicious Xd Ciao said: Brontes will definitely make an example of Ryu if he gets in the way of Theo, specially if he is supposed to discipline him🙃 Spellbound said: Then Ryu will be fighting Brontes lmao 🤣 Icewing said: Ryu won't let him XD
Edited at June 1, 2022 03:31 PM by Icewing

It's a good thing Theo isn't a target for the moment then.

Imp- Yesh respect Theo XD

Nah as long as Theo is respectful there won't be an issue.

Agreed^^ Imperial Sands said: Nah as long as Theo is respectful there won't be an issue.

I want Mircea to be have snarky remark to Micheal but I also don't want him to get in trouble. I think I'll have him internally cursing out Micheal and trying to control his intrusive thoughts lmao.