
Yeahhh, I agree. It's like... what were you thinking?
I mean, there are several things to take into account when naming a person. What impact will it have on their life? I mean, some names can get kids teased by other kids, maybe the initials line up to mean something uncomplimentary. Also, when you're teaching the kid how to spell their own name, do you really want to give them this really complicated, strange name? Or when other people have to write it down. I mean, it's more complicated that some probably would think.

Hm, I don't know if I got the annoying part down with Michael in my post.
Eh, I don't think it's too bad. Considering I've never made a character start annoying someone else in an RP.

I have seemed to have missed a little .. sad but i shall read it all to the best of my abilities.

Ok, I love how this First Ride is planning on doing! To be honest, reminds me of a scene in one of my more favorite book series, Dragon School by Sarah K.L Wilson. -- Wonder what I'll do with Rin and Vasuki's appearance, curse him out underneath her breath, or stay silent and spew hatred in her mind -- Also, can I just say, I fucking adore all these RP replies?? So well put, and just beautiful in general. You guys are going to have to let me in on your secrets in writing. -- I am going to have fun writing replies. :>

Micheal is a little shit. I adore him ehehe.

Micheal is quite the imp. I can't wait to see more!! He and Deirdre are gonna wreak so much havoc on this school --- Working on Harts and then hopefully Dans. Google fixed my computer turned out all I needed to do is reboot it. Oops. I'm such a tech genius. Edited at June 1, 2022 08:33 AM by Argos

Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenkescianneshaimondrischlyndasaccarnaerenquellenendrasamecashaunettethalemeicoleshiwhalhinive'onchellecaundenesheaalausondrilynnejeanetrimyranaekuesaundrilynnezekeriakenvaunetradevonneyavondalatarneskcaevontaepreonkeinesceellaviavelzadawnefriendsettajessicannelesciajoyvaelloydietteyvettesparklenesceaundrieaquenttaekatilyaevea'shauwneoraliaevaekizzieshiyjuanewandalecciannereneitheliapreciousnesceverroneccaloveliatyronevekacarrionnehenriettaescecleonpatrarutheliacharsalynnmeokcamonaeloiesalynnecsiannemerciadellesciaustillaparissalondonveshadenequamonecaalexetiozetiaquaniaenglaundneshiafrancethosharomeshaunnehawaineakowethauandavernellchishankcarlinaaddoneillesciachristondrafawndrealaotrelleoctavionnemiariasarahtashabnequckagailenaxeteshiataharadaponsadeloriakoentescacraigneckadellanierstellavonnemyiatangoneshiadianacorvettinagodtawndrashirlenescekilokoneyasharrontannamyantoniaaquinettesequioadaurilessiaquatandamerceddiamaebellecescajamesauwnneltomecapolotyoajohnyaetheodoradilcyana Koyaanisqatsiuthawyhaiashieakhauwnne Williams. . Why is THIS a name? I feel bad for whoever tries to spell it. Imagine the signiture. Edit: I had Siri say the name, and she had to take three breaths in between

WOW! At first, I thought you just keyboard slammed that until I finished reading. That poor person. However, it's tempting to name a child something a letter longer to break the record.

Right! Just add an extra n somewhere Argos said: WOW! At first, I thought you just keyboard slammed that until I finished reading. That poor person. However, it's tempting to name a child something a letter longer to break the record.

Right! Just add an extra n somewhere Argos said: WOW! At first, I thought you just keyboard slammed that until I finished reading. That poor person. However, it's tempting to name a child something a letter longer to break the record.