
lol Dawn is pretty disappointed in her rider right now- kinda annoyed at her also lmao

What would waking up after fainting feel like? I mean, I felt kind of dizzy and a bit groggy when I did that one time. Then again, I was like, somewhat aware?
Anyways, would it be like waking up from a deep sleep? Or something else?

Yeah dizziness and groggy would make sense

Wow, Agneya is really not impressed with her rider.

Not sweet little Mira about to slide over and be like, "I don't know about your rider, but I would absolutely love to have one of those oranges. I haven't had one in years." And give her adoring eyes and even offer a golden anklet as an exchange. Mira gonna woo Agneya when Vasuki isn't looking.


Oranges? Yes. She absolutely will. But I'm waiting until Covidic posts for Run. But for the wooing? Only in the dreams. Mira is loyal to her beloved. Though she's likely to try and befriend everyone while Vas sulks around.

Ahehehe <33 She'll definitely have a friend in Agneya.

She will be coming for those Oranges and then she's just going to dance gleefully back to Rin.

At least someone will appreciate her oranges 🤧😌