
Fire, I don't know if that's true. I'm full of grammatical errors and small words. I like Dan because he uses words like "bad human". Often 600 is better than 1000 because it's to the point, Look at my posts. Those fat chunks of Hart's are just him rattling on about taxonomy or astronomy. That's me filling in space. Both of my character's posts were just meaningless words that added nothing to the roleplay. Just me spouting about. I did a poll on what people thought literacy was. Several people posted that word count didn't matter. Just making sure that you're adding to the plot and that they aren't oneliners is what really mattered. Not 300 words of describing the sky and trees. Sometimes I get burnt out and I need a break (sometimes for a week), other times I'm running hot with ideas. -- Oh crap. A lot has happened. I'll get a post out tomorrow for Hart and Dan.

Gosh, I am in one of my writing moods. Sometimes it's torture to wait for an RP post.

I say go for post if you're in a writing mood before you lost it 🤧

I probably won't lose it. I've been like this all day.
And I'm not sure if I should wait for Rising Shadows to write Deirdre, or what.
People usually wake up on their own when they pass out, right?

Wayne, they can, or someone wakes them up, I'm sure whichever would be fine

I mean it's just give her more content to work with. So I say go for it 🤧 the Wayne pack said: I probably won't lose it. I've been like this all day.
And I'm not sure if I should wait for Rising Shadows to write Deirdre, or what.
People usually wake up on their own when they pass out, right?

Okay. I almost want someone to wake him up, though.

Eh, if someone tried to wake him Dei would probably shoo them off.


I must say Agneya isn't impressed by her rider at the moment lmao. She's rather upset with him xD.