
I'll probably make one last post tonight

Poor theo only trying to live and forgets his fear, then he gets paired with a water dragon that gets on his nerves XD!! . Theo and Ryu relationship is going to be interesting!

I'll probably wake Michael up soon. I'm hoping there's going to be a Deirdre reaction to his fainting, but we'll see.
Like, I really want him to wake up to a concerned dragon. Edited at May 29, 2022 07:34 PM by the Wayne pack

yesh it shall Free-Claw12 said: Poor theo only trying to live and forgets his fear, then he gets paired with a water dragon that gets on his nerves XD!! . Theo and Ryu relationship is going to be interesting!

@Spellbound Not sure if you saw, but I think I said/typed that I feel like Mircea would accidentally take out one or two of Michael's teeth via accidentally hitting him with someone hard enough to knock out a tooth or two.
not that I want that to happen to Michael, but it was just a thought I suddenly had.

Icewing, Free-Claw Let me reiterate. There isn't supposed to be any dragon riding done at all until the first ride is commenced. Please fix this.

Oh Sorry Imp Imperial Sands said: Icewing, Free-Claw Let me reiterate. There isn't supposed to be any dragon riding done at all until the first ride is commenced. Please fix this.

Edited at May 29, 2022 08:25 PM by Icewing

Working on another Dawn post right now ^^ should have it done within 15-20 minutes depending on my attention span

Wellll I was going for 1k words but sadly only made 600 ;-; I feel like you all have way better writing skills than me XD anyways I got a post out- I guess :p