
Oh goodness! I hope you don't have the Flu for very long. D:
I actually just got my mandatory Flu shot today. I hate needles but I guess it's a small price to pay for not getting sick. :')
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Spell Ack, I hope you get better soon!
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Oh I agree. Hopefully the flu doesn't last very long.

Ugh, the cold, flu, etc. have been going around like crazy. My husband and I just got over a small bout of the cold- I hope you'll recover quickly <3

Before I forget to tell y'all, I won't be too active from the 5th to the 9th this month! The ship I'm on is going on a small underway to get from the shipyard we're in to our home port/Norfolk. c:
It doesn't take that long to get there but we're likely getting towed and they want us to get a feel for how deployment may be like even though we've got a good 6-9 months before we actually go out to sea. They're basically extending our work days to the standard of 12hrs (7am to 7pm) and we can't leave the ship of course because we'll be slowly getting tugged to the base. lol Edited at November 2, 2022 09:03 PM by Tynahi
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There's a hotspot but I'm not too sure if I'll be allowed to go where it's at when we're underway. If I can then I'll try to get on but it won't be until like 6pm gametime. :'D
maybe earlier than that if they don't care about me being in another shop when the shift isn't over yet
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Don't get yourself in trouble. We will be here patiently, or not so patiently, waiting.

I'll ask before i try anything, I'm too scared to do anything unless I ask since it could go against the UCMJ. Even though we'll be on shift until 7pm, we 100% won't be busy until that late. We tend to speed through our tasks which leaves us to sit around until they tell us we're good to go. ^^"
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Ahhhhh I know ow the feeling of being done early.