
Just went straight from planting flowers for mi madre to cooking dinner for mi padre. I hope he likes dirt in his spaghetti

I was taking a look at my character's form. Should I add physical strength to his...strengths?
I mean, I did mention that he was stronger than he originally looks in appearance; not strong enough to fully lift another human (as everyone found out) but still.


"You are a bad human. Please go away."
Dan is the CUTEST thing in the world XD I love him. He's so pure.

Ooo, I'll have to edit my post with the compass and all. Edited at May 29, 2022 03:38 PM by Argos

Dan is so cute!! Mircea feels bad for yelling at the dragon.

I love Dan's description of fear!! 'He recognized a sharp, stinky scent that reminded him of a marsh mixed with a puddle of dead worms.'

XD Dan is adorable and working on a post for Lira before i do Isabel im gonna wait on Firefox to do Dawn.

STOP. "Tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to drip down his cheeks." POOR DAN. NO.

This is the dress Lira will be wearing for the whole RP i might change it durning the ball and bed time for reasons :) ~~~~ La dress