
XDD I'm posting for Sky now <3
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Zaphara: *pulls out gun* Levushka: No. Pick something else. Zaphara: Oh fine. *pulls out rocket launcher* Levushka: Not what I have in mind.

I'll pst Jackson in a few moments. But, since Ciffee is off. Shall we post some other characters?

I would, but two of my characters (Namely blind guy and fire girl) are tied up with the still bleeding Lev xD Dragonhorse said: I'll pst Jackson in a few moments. But, since Ciffee is off. Shall we post some other characters?
You need me to repost that by the way Eggo?
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Oh if you do repost, Jackson had shoved Dia into Sky's arms, so have her maybe like set her own or something maybe? Fangsoffire said: I would, but two of my characters (Namely blind guy and fire girl) are tied up with the still bleeding Lev xD Dragonhorse said: I'll pst Jackson in a few moments. But, since Ciffee is off. Shall we post some other characters?
You need me to repost that by the way Eggo?

Oh...forgot about Lev. Fangsoffire said: I would, but two of my characters (Namely blind guy and fire girl) are tied up with the still bleeding Lev xD Dragonhorse said: I'll pst Jackson in a few moments. But, since Ciffee is off. Shall we post some other characters?
You need me to repost that by the way Eggo?

Also Eggo, want to post like Ota or Dread or anyone? XD

XDD Poor Lev, still bleeding on the floor lol Plague Doctor said: Oh...forgot about Lev. Fangsoffire said: I would, but two of my characters (Namely blind guy and fire girl) are tied up with the still bleeding Lev xD I will just edit my original post for that if you give me one moment here ~~ Dragonhorse said: Oh if you do repost, Jackson had shoved Dia into Sky's arms, so have her maybe like set her own or something maybe?
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Oh lordy, lordy. 12:05 AM :,3 HEH. Time for me to get at least three hours of sleep! Later all, get sleep while you can <3