
Posting for it now :D Dragonhorse said: I posted! So whenever you're ready to post, go for it!
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Should we wait for Coffee to bring Ava to react to Sky wandering into the coversation or should I go ahead with it?

I'd say just go ahead maybe? Shadow Hearts said: Should we wait for Coffee to bring Ava to react to Sky wandering into the coversation or should I go ahead with it?

Hmm . . .I sort of want Ava's reaction to it. How about we continue but keep it in the hallway not far from Ava? Shadow Hearts said: Should we wait for Coffee to bring Ava to react to Sky wandering into the coversation or should I go ahead with it?
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I'm surprised that Sky didn't think the kid in Malaki's arms was his, XD.

I think that'll work. Malaki can continue his interactions with Sky and Jackson can add onto it every now and again... and of course Ava can butt in and ruin any possible moment. Fangsoffire said: Hmm . . .I sort of want Ava's reaction to it. How about we continue but keep it in the hallway not far from Ava? Shadow Hearts said: Should we wait for Coffee to bring Ava to react to Sky wandering into the coversation or should I go ahead with it?

Me likey :,3 Shadow Hearts said: I think that'll work. Malaki can continue his interactions with Sky and Jackson can add onto it every now and again... and of course Ava can butt in and ruin any possible moment. Fangsoffire said: Hmm . . .I sort of want Ava's reaction to it. How about we continue but keep it in the hallway not far from Ava? Shadow Hearts said: Should we wait for Coffee to bring Ava to react to Sky wandering into the coversation or should I go ahead with it?

Hey Rona, I totally forgot what extra power you gave some of my characters...

hhh finally found it. I need to make a page at the beginning of discussion to keep track fo new powers- Covidic Coffee said: Notice 5 Characters have gained 1 Ability!
Ota Shintaro - Internal Heart Beat - Being granted the ability to give one person a forever heart beat. Unfortunately, this ability can only be used once per lifttime, and the host can either use it for themselves, or for a gift for another. But that's not where it ends. If the host chooses to give it to another, that being can too give someone else an eternal heartbeat (Not to the giver of the gift). This power is either mutated or passed down from past generations.
Ava Shintaro - Shadow Abosrbtion - Mutated through series of experiments and excruciating pain, the host has the ability to absorb shadow manipulation, shadows, dark magic, eventually everything that reveals itself as shadows or darkness. They choose to take full power of the other, ripping it completely away or they can choose to take a sample of it which would only last 6 hours.
Jericho Hennessy - Mediaeval Summoning - The ability to summon any weaponary or shield, there is no limit to what the host may summon however they should master it first before using it more then twice a day.
Sky Palmer - Artic Maniupulation - The host of this ability is truly gifted. They may summon ice, snow, and they can even change the weather to their disposal. They can change once a bright sky to a cloudy, gloomy day, they can change the clear weather to an obliterate snowstorm, and they can freeze lakes no matter the size. Elea O'Connor - Charred Wings - A mutation that builds overtime, and once fully mutated, scaled, dark red, charred, dragon-like wings become visible. Unlike most other mutations, these wings do not fold within the skin, and are visible at all times. They can hide well under sweaters and jackets, but are exposed with simply shirts. They reached a wingspan of 14ft across, and move the host up to speeds of almost 70mph.

Did Jackson get any new powers?