
I'm giving Sephtis a vasectomy. >.> Be right back. Dragonhorse said: I'm only satisfied if... you know what. -_- Plague Doctor said: Now that three pages are filled with mostly Sephtis memes...I am completely satisfied.

Too late, the child I want would already be alive. Ha Plague Doctor said: I'm giving Sephtis a vasectomy. >.> Be right back. Dragonhorse said: I'm only satisfied if... you know what. -_- Plague Doctor said: Now that three pages are filled with mostly Sephtis memes...I am completely satisfied.

Edited at December 5, 2021 08:50 PM by Dragonhorse

Ona. Kill the said child. You're god on this form. Dragonhorse said: Too late, the child I want would already be alive. Ha Plague Doctor said: I'm giving Sephtis a vasectomy. >.> Be right back. Dragonhorse said: I'm only satisfied if... you know what. -_- Plague Doctor said: Now that three pages are filled with mostly Sephtis memes...I am completely satisfied.

I'm my defense, this isn't going to to be an overpowered child, just extra drama. Maybe I'll keep the twins...

Oof. My mom needs me and I have a feeling that it's going to take forever. :,)

Nooooooo Plague Doctor said: Oof. My mom needs me and I have a feeling that it's going to take forever. :,)

*sips honey tea* Shadow is doing his thing again.
Making people frustrated <3
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I think Phantom is my only single adult character I think... well Blade... but those two I think

Most of my characters are taken surprisingly. Sephtis and Ankoku are single beans. :)