
Also thoughts for Blade situation?

I haven't followed her, so, what is current sataus? Dragonhorse said: Can Jac be back? Covidic Coffee said: I dont think its truly any characters in particular. Just no demon-summoning, god like roleplaying, futuristic, or anything that crazy. I'd like if I was PMed first if anything crazy rp-changing were to happen. Dragonhorse said: But can you point out any of my characters in particular so I can make sure to avoid it?

Now that the wonderful trio is done. Who should I post next?

I would say Nakao but.... >:'( Plague Doctor said: Now that the wonderful trio is done. Who should I post next?

Also maybe someone else? Another interacting with my chqracters?

Wait, ok, so which Sephtis 'loved' Ava? This one, or the previous one? also didn't expect that reaction from Spentis lol.. this is going to be fun. Edited at December 5, 2021 07:37 PM by Covidic Coffee

You never know which Sephtis loved Ava. Hehehe. You know Sephtis is the master of deceit...and killing his children. Lol Covidic Coffee said: Wait, ok, so which Sephtis 'loved' Ava? This one, or the previous one? also didn't expect that reaction from Spentis lol.. this is going to be fun.

This is sad, I'm sad Nakao is gonna be taken or something again... and I dunno what to post or anything. I'll read it again later..... and Jac, she was in love with Sephtis but we were gonna change it

Don't worry. Sephtis is going to "borrow" his powers for a tad bit. Don't worry, he won't cause too much chaos. ;) Dragonhorse said: This is sad, I'm sad Nakao is gonna be taken or something again... and I dunno what to post or anything. I'll read it again later..... and Jac, she was in love with Sephtis but we were gonna change it

Sob, your killing me :c so, what your saying is, I'll need to be watching Avas back to see when and where Sephtis will come and attempt to kill her or scar her for life? Lovely.. Plague Doctor said: You never know which Sephtis loved Ava. Hehehe. You know Sephtis is the master of deceit...and killing his children. Lol Covidic Coffee said: Wait, ok, so which Sephtis 'loved' Ava? This one, or the previous one? also didn't expect that reaction from Spentis lol.. this is going to be fun.