
@Ebanon Whoever dances with Kristopher better be tall because there is no way they're keeping up with his strides at that speed 😂 time to start pulling traditions out of my ass, I feel like it'd be more fitting for Kaghans to dance with a lot more closeness, like 1:40 and this (I've been rewatching that short for so long and it never gets old like- it's so beautiful) and perhaps a bit faster than what others are used to. Orin people would dance a lot more upbeat and free flowing like 1:20 (had to resort to Bridgerton dances cause I couldn't find what was I was thinking about ;v;) It'll definitely be a fun mix reading an Orinian trying to dance with a Kaghan lmao As for the rules, to keep things simple, we'll just go with the basics. Edited at June 20, 2022 11:40 PM by Kämpa

I was looking back through old characters and realized I have completely forgotten how to play them. I feel so rusty.

Kampa- Ooh :o Those dances are actually pretty cool. I figured people dance pretty close in ballrooms- I mean, the places are packed, ha, but I didn't really know what you were thinking of for 'traditional dances'? That Bridgerton one makes me want to make an Orinian guy rather than someone from the Empire xD And that's fine with the rules! I just figured they might be useful ^^ Also, ooh, YES now someone has to make an Orinian dance with a Kaghan >:D I'll definitely do it if no one volunteers-
Sir Froggington said: I was looking back through old characters and realized I have completely forgotten how to play them. I feel so rusty.
Hey, it's okay, I forgot how to play Galladis and Wren :')

What about people originally from any of the fallen kingdoms? I'd assume they would still have slight differences from Orin/Kagha/Empire due to their traditional ways.

I am just imagining Mircea and Zacharius being the masters of dance they are being able to swap between Kaghan Dancing and Orin Dancing. And Kaghan people dance with such passion and power 😳

I was going to have them just be somewhat similar to Orin. The reason why Kagha is pretty different from the rest is that they've been closed off from them for years, so their traditions and cultures didn't spread to the others like Orin would've. + I'm too lazy to put that much work into each kingdom's specific traditions and this is a great excuse lmao Overthink101 said: What about people originally from any of the fallen kingdoms? I'd assume they would still have slight differences from Orin/Kagha/Empire due to their traditional ways.

I kinda want Zak to pull in some Orinian person to dance with him and completely shock them with the amount of intimacy involved with the Kaghan dance

Kämpa said: I kinda want Zak to pull in some Orinian person to dance with him and completely shock them with the amount of intimacy involved with the Kaghan dance
I mean, Ari's gonna be idling for a while- Don't want to involve myself too much though-


Mircea in the background sipping wine while Sori and Kris are yelling at him to make a move and shoot his shot.