
okay i finally made my post! tomorrow I leave for my two-week trip and I doubt I will be on at all but hopefully everything will go smoothly! also Voxy check your old mail when you get a sec

I'm excited to see Stace's reaction. And I love Emery 🥹🫶🏽

When I get off shift, I swear imma finish Stace up. I would do it now but i cannot stand my phone and its anti-auto correct.
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Also- for the mail thing I've gotten like... countless messages so I dont know what exactly Im searching for 😭
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Awwww glad you like them! they have an interesting personality so writing interactions with them is so fun take your time! I probably wont see it, but I will be excited to read it once I return!! oh right! sorry Voxy! it was a message about Emery's past since we were trading info. I am sure I can dig it up for you if you want me to?

rave dragon boy post is so good so far!! :D

1200+ words and still not done ;-;

oh my gosh- Tamesis, your post just keeps getting better and better!! you handle the emotions so well and I am having so much fun reading I have a little bit more time till I head out so I seriously hope you guys have fun-- behave and don't burn down buildings though-- while I'm gone!! I am gonna miss you guys but I will see you when I come back

Okay... okay.. I know I said I would not disappear- but I got off of my 12 hour shift 4 hours ago and now my dumbass is drowsy (as expected, honestly). xD
I think a 2-4 hour nap is coming upon me, unless I sleep through all of my alarms. lmaoo I have the rest of the day/night off, and then of course i don't have to be at work tomorrow until 4:30 gametime.
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go get some rest after that long ass shift! how are you still alive??