
me who woke up 3 hours ago Covidic said: Oh my god. Finally. Today feels like its been going on for years . Uggghh.

3rd 😳 Spellbound said: Which Dress For Hyacinth

Fit For Hyacinth, still choosing his dress

oof glad my nose is fairly immune B) I had years of training it thanks to living with a big family that lacks manners >> Shadows in the Mist said: Sorry I had to work today plus I've been battling awful allergies but I will have a post up for Mirian at some point today. And trust me, she WILL be bitchy ;) if only so she can protest innocently to Sori later that she was "just making sure nobody paid too close attention to the queen"

Me. Who has a cold in fucking spring because of working with nasty kids 😒

Me foaming at the mouth, waiting for someone to post. I need ✨drama✨

we like to foam at the mouth around here

Okay, if no one posts until tomorrow morning then I'll try to get out a post tonight. My little brain is in shambles and can't handle any other information

aHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel so behind
