
Alastor: he looked up at Ariv with a playful smile dispite the pain he was feeling. "Aww is someone worried??~" he coughed up blood, it ran down his chin to the floor. "I'll be fine!! It's only a little scratch!!"

Ariv: "Yes, I am worried," Ariv huffed, glaring at Alastor. "Will you stop asking questions you already know the answers to because whenever you say 'it's just a scratch' I instantly know to worry."

Hey As!! How'd your day go??

Alastor: "oh stop stressing!! I've been like this millions of times. I'm sure this is no different. You stress too much." He pulled himself up and kissed Ariv's cheek. "There, better?"

Hi!! My day was pretty good... got even more ink on my hands though XD how was yours??

Ariv: "I am still patching you up at the very least," Ariv grumbled hiding his blushing face partly in his hands. George: "Okay!" George spoke loudly, bursting into room. "Got all the medical crap. Can I go now?"

Mine was pretty good, Dark Smurf! I made two friends and formed a Gay Gang. :3

Alastor: he snickered at Ariv looking over to George. "Jeez, you know there was a point in time where you actually cared if I died or not." He sighed shaking his head.

Pfft- that sounds flipping fantastic!! Who wouldn't want to be in a gay gang??

George: "Well now I know you're not going to die," George spoke in a know-it-all tone. "It's most likely that Ariv will patch you up and... Well I won't get into the details of what might happen next." Ariv: "George stop being so cryptic and just give me the bloody medical bag," Ariv growled before standing and snatching the kit from him before returning to Alastor's side.