
Matt genuinely regretting his actions would be so interesting because knowing him, he would try to make it better and shows he's changed but only make the situation worse hopefully he doesn't go down a different path like he did in the other rp I have him in. at least he has yet to buy a gun? Spellbound said: 🫢. Aster never shall reveal his kinks 😗. Tbh, it would be interesting to see Matt redeemed and normal especially with what he did to Aster 🥲, my boyo wouldn't trust him as far as he could see him even if redeemed Determined_Wolf said: yeah Spellsy and I did actually talk about that briefly- kinky long tail shit- XD honestly, having Matt try and adjust back to being a normally functioning person without an obsession will take work, but if he is any way redeemable, maybe we could do fun stuff with that Tamesis said: Are you sure Aster didn't have a reptilian kink of sorts? He had a crush on X (a dragon) and he dated a literal snake man. 🧐 Determined_Wolf said: I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore

I feel like Aster would forgive him but it would definitely take a LOOONG time . And he still wouldn't be comfortable to be with him alone, he'd definitely set rules and boundaries if he truly repented and wanted to make it up to him. Determined_Wolf said: Matt genuinely regretting his actions would be so interesting because knowing him, he would try to make it better and shows he's changed but only make the situation worse hopefully he doesn't go down a different path like he did in the other rp I have him in. at least he has yet to buy a gun? Spellbound said: 🫢. Aster never shall reveal his kinks 😗. Tbh, it would be interesting to see Matt redeemed and normal especially with what he did to Aster 🥲, my boyo wouldn't trust him as far as he could see him even if redeemed Determined_Wolf said: yeah Spellsy and I did actually talk about that briefly- kinky long tail shit- XD honestly, having Matt try and adjust back to being a normally functioning person without an obsession will take work, but if he is any way redeemable, maybe we could do fun stuff with that Tamesis said: Are you sure Aster didn't have a reptilian kink of sorts? He had a crush on X (a dragon) and he dated a literal snake man. 🧐 Determined_Wolf said: I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore

Time for me to figure out what the absolute fuck I was thinking when i started my WIP post. e.o
I wish i could snap back to the moment i made it xD
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Oh dear. I'm sure it's amazing lmao


I think i genuinely was struggling with my wording and left it as a WIP because of that xD
Thanks to being night shift for the entirety of me being out at sea, imma be up all night so i have plenty of time to figure it out and then post for Stace since he's just currently chilling on a couch. I think that's where i left off with him-
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I'm so interested to see how everyone reacting to Aster considering he's definitely more stoic unless he's comfortable with others . _____ I am definitely waiting for the moment the gossip about him and Stace being exes reaches their ears Edited at March 19, 2023 12:00 AM by Spellbound

We need the two bands to hang out on a reserved beach together and have a volleyball match or something

That would be so fun to see. Imagine the drama happening between the bands

X would mistake volleyball as dodgeball and headshots the bandmates, Percy is using his looks to distract people on both sides, and Astro is the score keeper Spellbound said: That would be so fun to see. Imagine the drama happening between the bands