
X's mom Tamesis said: Who wouldn't want to put Percy on a leash 😏 Determined_Wolf said: Mircea needs to keep Percy on a tighter leash because all the other couples are judging them
Emery would definitely not try to slid into Mircea's dms Spellbound said: Mircea is gonna get a divorce

Why can I see Percy and Mircea meeting each other through a dating app of sorts 😭

that seems so accurate for them for some reason- what would the dating app be called though? Matching Monsters or Haunted Hotties or something since it probably has a bunch of species?

How My Characters Met Their SO: Percy probably met Mircea through a dating app Astro met Mosi years ago to get a tattoo Astro met Avenoir years ago, with Astro being the inspiration for Aven to join the music industry Roskr and X met now after destroying a room Edited at March 18, 2023 10:33 PM by Tamesis

I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore

If he doesn't behave he's gonna lose his future husband xD Tamesis said: They're not even married 🙄 Yet 😏 Spellbound said: Mircea is gonna get a divorce

Are you sure Aster didn't have a reptilian kink of sorts? He had a crush on X (a dragon) and he dated a literal snake man. 🧐 Determined_Wolf said: I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore

yeah Spellsy and I did actually talk about that briefly- kinky long tail shit- XD honestly, having Matt try and adjust back to being a normally functioning person without an obsession will take work, but if he is any way redeemable, maybe we could do fun stuff with that Tamesis said: Are you sure Aster didn't have a reptilian kink of sorts? He had a crush on X (a dragon) and he dated a literal snake man. 🧐 Determined_Wolf said: I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore

X: Looks like a non-virgin, is a virgin Percy: Looks like a virgin, is a non-virgin Astrophil: Looks like a virgin, is a virgin

🫢. Aster never shall reveal his kinks 😗. Tbh, it would be interesting to see Matt redeemed and normal especially with what he did to Aster 🥲, my boyo wouldn't trust him as far as he could see him even if redeemed Determined_Wolf said: yeah Spellsy and I did actually talk about that briefly- kinky long tail shit- XD honestly, having Matt try and adjust back to being a normally functioning person without an obsession will take work, but if he is any way redeemable, maybe we could do fun stuff with that Tamesis said: Are you sure Aster didn't have a reptilian kink of sorts? He had a crush on X (a dragon) and he dated a literal snake man. 🧐 Determined_Wolf said: I don't know why but that is so cute- Matt practically grew up with Aster as childhood friends turned "lovers" while Emery currently is being tossed around a bit and I have no idea what to do with them anymore