
Gasp! You're the dark smurf then!!! O.O

Alastor: he narrowed his eyes at Ariv scooching away from them both. "I've been told my blood tastes fantastic on steak and pork... have you?? I doubt it. So shut it." He seemed genuinely afraid about this.

I guess I am- and I forgot my facial cleanser sooo my face will be purple too...

Ariv: "Well I'm sure it is but you don't need to worry about that because who would do that?" Ariv asked. "It's not like (A) People steal other's blood in this world as a norm or (B) Anyone will be able to at the Cabin."

I will call you Dark Smurf from now on (or until the ink fades), okay?

Alastor: he kept on slowly moving back from the two of them. "You'd be surprised.... there are people after my 'children' just to get a taste.."


Ariv: "Would you quit moving?" Ariv grumbled sourly. "I am still trying to get your organs back into proper place and the more you move the harder it is."

Hehehe I am glad you agree Dark Smurf!! >:3

Alastor: "how do I know you're not just taking out my organs to dine on later tonight?!" He continued to do the opposite of what Ariv said.