
Alastor: he dug his nails into his finger to make it bleed, even though he was already bleeding from everywhere else. "I need you to taste my blood, I highly doubt it'll kill you so don't worry. I've been injecting you with small doses for months now."

George: "I'm sorry what." George stared at Alastor for a moment, opening and closing his mouth. "So let me get this gay, you've been injecting your blood into me without my consent or knowledge and now you want me to drink it?" George ruffled his hair as he gave an angry huff. "Fine. Fuck it. Give me some of your blood."

Alastor: he paused thinking about what was just said. "It's not creepy!! I just... didn't want you to eventually die by me touching you...or.. if you tried to patch up a cut... or I forgot my blood was on me and you had a cut and it got into your system..." he held out his hand smiling nervously, tears welled up in his eyes about to spill.

George: "Why are you about to cry, dummy??" George grumbled, puffing his cheeks. "I understand exactly what you were trying to to. You were trying to protect me! I would've done the same thing. Next time thought, tell me in advance!!" George dipped his finger in the blood on Alastor's hand before licking it off his finger. "Now what?"

Alastor: he cursed himself under his breath wiping his eyes. His blood was sweet,like some sort of candy or sugar. "What does it taste like?" He spoke as if he was scared of something.

George: "Hmm... Good actually!!" George spoke, surprised by his own words. "It's oddly sweet though. Like a pound of sugar sweet."

Heyyy As! Sorry for being so late!!!

Alastor: it looked as though a thousand pounds was just put over his shoulders. He colapsed to the ground and hit his head against the floor repeatedly.

No it's alright!! No need to apologize!!

George: "Is that bad...?" George asked, tilting his head as he stared at Alastor with a confused expression.