

Alrighty. May I ask.. I know the suitors are supposed to be in carriages, but { if its possible to store her horse onto the steamboat } could Edrys ride her horse instead with her lady in waiting on one as well? I understand if not, just wondering. Spellbound said: As I am working on Vesper, I ask all those making suitors posts wait for a moment.
:> Spellbound said: YAY Covidic said: I'm finally alive 😤

Hey there ^^ Determined_Wolf said: hi covidic!! :D
My hands be shaking lmfao. Too excited to write these rplies :>

I'm assuming I should wait for the suitors to arrive before I post, correct? Oh wait, I just realized I need to talk to you about soemthing covidic- Give me a sec to pm you!

Oh? :> Determined_Wolf said: I'm assuming I should wait for the suitors to arrive before I post, correct? Oh wait, I just realized I need to talk to you about soemthing covidic- Give me a sec to pm you!

Also I'm thinking. Should those arriving be allowed to go ahead and leave to the castle or should they all leave together at the same time ?

Probably leave together...? Maybe just so then they dont get lost, kidnapped, or whatever else could happen. Also should I work on a post now or wait longer?

It's I. Love everyone's posts so far. Phoebe also has my heart lol. And giving poor Hestia a heart attack lol

Whoever gets to the castle first has the most time to put themselves forward to the royals... and, ya know, start affiliating

Well the drivers are from the palace so they know the way and there are guards with the rider out front as well to offer extra protection. And yeah, I finished my post so you can go ahead. Determined_Wolf said: Probably leave together...? Maybe just so then they dont get lost, kidnapped, or whatever else could happen. Also should I work on a post now or wait longer?