Emery: You know, when Sumire comes over, Avenoir can get a little…
Astrophil: Psycho?
Röskr: Scary?
Miyaki: Drunk?
Emery: All three.
Miyaki: We all have our demons.
Aster, grabbing Amyntas: This one’s mine!
Evan: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate.
Lily: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Sumire: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Stace: Amyntas is okay.
Emery: They're okay? They said they were going to break my legs! And don't tell me they didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause they gave me the mackerel eyes, they meant it!
Stace: Emery, Amyntas threatened me. They threaten Miyaki every day. They probably threatened Avenoir before breakfast this morning. It's what they do. Grow a pair.
Avenoir: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism.
Mosi: How so?
Avenoir: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.
Percival: Get your hand off my shield!
Poe: There's like a million other shields.
Percival: Take that one, it has a flower on it. Girls like flowers.
Poe: *hits Percival with the shield* Oops! Now this one has blood on it.
Amyntas: Not to be nsfw but I want someone to hold me while I sleep.
Percival: Next time I'm at the pet store, I'm gonna take a hamster and drop it in the scorpion cage. I wanna see what a hamster's face looks like when it goes, "oh, fuck."
Poe: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Poe.
Astrophil: But you're Poe.
Poe: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Amyntas: Are you drunk?
Röskr: Only on the spirit of Christmas!
Astrophil: And the spirit of whisky.
Stace: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Percival: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Mircea: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Astrophil: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Evan: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Amyntas: I have emotional scars.