
George: "Aghhhhhhhh...! I strong dislike you're family's stubbornness!!" George barked as he ruffled his hair crazily before pulling out his gun. "Alright not hold reaaaaally really still, okay??"

Yaaaaaaaay! I get to add things to the cluster-fuck of things I hoard!! :D

Alastor: he rolled his eyes not looking back at George for some stupid reason. "Why?? I asked you not to help me. People have do not resuscitate forms This is no different."

Pfftt- I'm going to find some gems and a rock tumbler to I can make them all shiny and smooth!!

George: "Shhhhhut the fuck up!" George screeched, tapping him lightly on the head. "I don't want to blow your arm off!!" Grabbing the vines and pulling it away from Alastor, George took careful aim before bam! A bullet went straight through the vine and deep into the floor.

For some reason I thought you meant the app tumbler and not a stone tumbler!! I've been spending too much time online!!! XD

Alastor: he screamed like a little girl seeing a spider. He backed away from George not knowing what the hell just had happened and still being terrified.

Oh jeez XD yes. I'm going to put rocks in the app tumbler and they will come out like shiny gems.

George: "Dammit Alastor!! Don't move!!!" George hissed. "You wouldn't let me help you the easy way so we're doing it the hard way, dumbass!!"

As one does. Everything that goes into tumbler comes out shiny and sparkly!!