
Alastor: he. Glared at George. "What!? Do you all of the sudden care now that I'm bleeding?? Is that it?? Are you suddenly not going to throw me in a room and forget about me!? I think not you fucking asshole!! So leave me the fuck alone!"
Eli: he giggled hiding in a closet full of towels, he hid under said towels.

Hi wolfie!! How are you??

George: "First of all, the chamber is a room with a tv recording of a Captain America video where you wouldn't have been bleeding out," George explained while he ran a hand through his hair. "Second of all, fuck you too but we can argue about this after I get you to a safer place. Deal?"


Alastor: "no! I don't want your help!! Just take me to the woods and i'll handle it myself!" He clutched the coin tightly in his left hand struggling to try and stand.

I'm excited!! My birthday is coming up and we're going to a place where we can dib up our own gems and rocks and stuff-

George: George inhaled deeply, rubbing his temples. "I physically cannot teleport you to the woods without helping you first," George groaned.

Happy early birthday then!! I hope you have an awesome birthday! Sneak some gems for me okay! >:3

Alastor: "then just let me fucking bleed out!! I don't give a shit!" He gave up trying to get up and turned his back to George to he didn't have to look at him, otherwise he might just start crying.

XD thank you!! And don't worry!! I will!!