
You're so damn helpful *^* ThisIsAPackName said: Probably some repeated "I love you"s because you don't know if you'll ever be able to see them again and if that'll be your last words to them. Advice if need be, try to communicate information on where you both are to see if you can try and meet up, advice on how to survive if you have it, etc.

@TIAPN **** NOT TAMPON you explained it a lot better LOL Edited at February 20, 2022 03:21 PM by Kämpa

What I'd say... well I'd say nothing just break down crying before I could even get to my phone.

honestly, if I was in the zombie apocalypse I'd probably be the first to get bitten

Out of my family? No that'd be my little sister. Or well my mother trying to protect us. Plus if I had my dog and animals didn't die by these guys well. He hates ANYONE who he doesn't know. And will gladly kill someone trying to attack my family :) he'd be my first line of defense. Edited at February 20, 2022 03:29 PM by Mist Fall Wolves

my animals wouldn't do shit to protect me Ari (cat) the moment she saw something running at her; she's hauling ass. Rollo (honse) he would be sure to kick me at the zombies before taking off

I feel like I'd live a while. I don't particularly get on with my family, so they'd be the first to go because it's easier to look after yourself than four other people. I mean, my mum can stick around I guess (Jokes, jokes, jokes) I'd give up within a day and use myself as bait.



We definitely did have a writing app fight- nothing like that. -- I have 6 dogs, but ones a puppy. One would try to protect but he's as small as a Yorkie so he'd do nothing, another dog who's as tall as a whippet would just growl at em and stay in front of me. My pitbull well. He wouldn't even care he'd just be like ”PETS!!!!” And same with my Australian Shepard. My bovier on the other hand... I had him on a choker and leash. My friend wanted to pet him and I said yes.. the dog tried to attack them, lunging against the leash. And the puppy well she would just try and make sure I wasn't hurt or passed out.